Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 Mashonaland Central The province recorded cases of intimidation and harassment of citizens ahead of the 2023 general elections. Village meetings and other social gatherings were politicised by Zanu PF leaders who used them as campaign spaces. In Mt Darwin West, Zanu PF district leaders convened a meeting at Chihoko community centre ward 36 on 12 December. The district leaders, including Samson Hundi (war veteran), Mike Murasira and Mrs Manjoro, threatened to unleash violence on all opposition supporters in Mt Darwin. Mr Hundi warned villagers that Zanu PF had a good list of all opposition members ready to deal with accordingly. He further warned them that those members of the CCC and those who once attended a CCC meeting should denounce their membership before tragic events happen in 2023. “We are not afraid to kill because people died for this country”. Mashonaland East In December, Mashonaland East recorded a significant number of human rights abuses compared to Mashonaland West. Cases of assault, intimidation, harassment and partisan aid distribution characterised the province. CCC supporters were barred from participating in and attending their party meetings. The magnitude and level of political intolerance by Zanu PF supporters signal a violent election in 2023. On 25 December, a violent scuffle ensued at Chirasavana Business Centre Ward 27 in Chikomba East. It is alleged that Malvern Zumba was brutally assaulted by a Zanu PF activist Lovemore Mutizwa. Mutizwa, who had visited from Harare, confronted Zumba accusing him of being an opposition member. Mutizwa reportedly used hate language and assaulted Zumba with fists, bottles and stones, sustaining injury to his forehead. The matter was reported at Sadza Police Station. However, no arrests have been made. December 2022 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 20

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