relocated to a new area 40km away. The villagers were also deprived of their property after they were forced to leave their livestock and crops behind. The fight against impunity received a major boost when the High Court ruled that those who carry out torture and other illegalities in the course of their duties can be sued in their personal capacity in the case of Minister of State Security vs. Jestina Mukoko. Finally all eyes have been in Mwenezi East where Zimbabwe People First candidate Kudakwashe Bhasikiti withdrew from the by-election slated for 8 April arguing that his supporters are being harassed and he is being prevented from holding rallies. The ruling Zanu PF has been accused of vote buying using maize and rice accessed from the Grain Marketing Board (GMB). Traditional leaders have also been actively campaigning for the ruling party in violation of Section 281 of the constitution. Zimbabwe Peace Project (ZPP) reports for March show a total of 112 violations down from last month’s 144. The month under focus had 655 victims altogether. Of these victims, those from the Zimbabwe People First (ZimPF) were 21 people 3, 2 %, and those affiliated to the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) stood at 14, 35 % which translates to 94 people. The increase in MDC-T victims may be linked to the increased political activity by the opposition party’s Morgan Tsvangirai who has been going around the country meeting opinion leaders. A total of 655 victims and 263 perpetrators were recorded. 62,4 % of the victims were male while 37,5 % were females. 90, 5% of the perpetrators were male while 9, 5 % were female. One hundred and sixty seven (167) perpetrators were affiliated to the ruling Zanu PF party which is 63,5 % of the figure. Four perpetrators could not be established which party they were affiliated to. Eighty one (81) perpetrators were police officers while 8 perpetrators where from the Zimbabwe National Army. Two (2) of the perpetrators were Central Intelligence Organisation operatives and 1 perpetrator was from the MDC-T. Risk Assessment From the reports in the month under review the 2018 elections are giving way to intolerance in communities where citizens are continually being threatened with unspecified action in some instances if they do not vote wisely. What is also evident is the fact that citizens are living in fear as they are told that their vote is not a secret in the 2018 elections. Leaders in 7

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