their business operations. The youths created boundaries where they said MDC-T members were supposed to operate and made it clear that Koffman Plot, where the business operations were located is Zanu PF territory. Antiriot police were called but they did not intervene and were ordered off the scene by the Zanu PF youths. The matter was reported to the police under RRB number 3030122. The youths were also looking for an MDC-T supporter identified as Jeff. They went on to prepare a mock grave for him making their intentions to harm him known .He stands accused of refusing to attend Zanu PF meetings and convening MDC-T meetings in Mbare. A citizen Fambisai Muchineripi was assaulted by the youth militia and he confirmed that many other people were assaulted and victimized but fear coming out in the open about their ordeals. Zanu PF youths have imposed an economic embargo against members of other political parties in Mbare and are carrying out terror activities with impunity as police officers seem to be afraid of dealing with the known perpetrators. 30 March Right to It is reported that some children at Rukudzo Primary School in Kambuzuma, ward 14 failed to write their end of 2k017 Education term examinations over outstanding school fees. Reports are that the Headmistress Mrs Zata instructed teachers to deny all pupils with outstanding tuition fees from writing examinations. It is alleged that when parents came to negotiate payment plans with the school authorities, Mrs Zata evaded them. Manicaland Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 1March 2017 Freedoms of In Chitsvori village, Makoni West it was reported that an arrangement was reached between the school and parents Choice and who are said to be struggling to pay school fees for their children. The parents were tasked to help in the preparation 14

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