communities continue to warn citizens that they will know who they vote for. In this month and the last it is clear that Zanu PF is restructuring its local structures and this is also causing untold suffering for those suspected to belong to the opposition. The selective application of the law does not bode well for creating a political environment that is level for all political actors for the 2018 elections. Good examples are the demonstrations by NERA and those by the Zanu PF women’s and youth leagues. While the police descended in all their numbers for the NERA demostration they were conspicuous by their absence at all the Zanu PF demonstrations against Sandi Moyo and Sarah Mahoka. Hate language seems to have been taken a gear up and the concern about this is that it is breeding ground for the outbreak of violence. The continual non action of the police in some incidents that are reported to them is tantamount to their abrogating their mandate and this does not bode well for citizens to have confidence in the police as protectors of their rights. The ZPP feels that it is the duty of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to conduct free and fair elections and it is therefore their role to intervene where the electorate is being instilled with fear on some people knowing who they will have voted for. The electorate needs to get the correct information as soon as possible. Data Gathering Methodology Information contained herein is based on reports from ZPP long-term community based human rights monitors, who observe and record cases of human rights violations in the constituencies they reside. ZPP deploys a total of 420 community-based primary peace monitors (two per each of the 210 electoral constituencies of Zimbabwe). The monitors compile reports that are handed over to ZPP Coordinators who man the different ZPP regional offices in the ten administrative provinces of Zimbabwe. Upon receipt and verification of the reports from the monitors, the Coordinators compile provincial monthly monitoring reports, which are then consolidated at the national office into the ZPP Monthly Monitoring Report published in retrospect. This report contains some of the violations recorded by ZPP, the organisation has a data base with the rest of the injustices and gladly shares it with interested stakeholders. 8

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