is an aide to the constituency’s Member of Parliament Hon Esau Mupfumi. Rice and cooking oil were being distributed on the day. unknown Right to food In ward 10 of Chipinge Central, there has been unfair distribution of food meant to benefit old people. In this ward the Rural District Council and Social Welfare are politicising food meant for the elderly. Mr Zongoro and Mr Dunga are reported to be giving food to Zanu PF supporters only. Some of the victims being denied this aid are Mrs Mwakachiyeni Bhodho and Mr Garikayi Mutisi who are said to be opposition supporters. Province Date HR Violated Provincial highlights Mashonaland 2 March Right to Food It is alleged that there was partisan food aid distribution at Gangarahwe village ward 8. Central Reports are that Headman Mike Tawadzana announced to residents that only Zanu PF active members were going to benefit. It is alleged that only ruling party members were given maize and many villagers who were not affiliated to the ruling party did not benefit. 9March Right to Food It is alleged that Zanu PF MP Tabitha Kanengoni summoned women to a meeting at Nzwimbo Council hall where food was distributed on partisan lines. Reports say that the meeting ended late and the exercise was handed over to Women’s league chairperson Chioniso Kodza who kept several bags of rice for herself when others benefited 2kgs per individual. It is alleged that Kodza also distributed 10kgs of rice per individual to ruling 28

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