Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 11 March Freedom of In Mbare Constituency ward 11, it was reported that Zanu PF youths disrupted a funeral procession at house number Association, 10 Mataka Filter, following the death of Gogo Chiquita Mack who passed on the previous day. It was alleged that at assembly around 10:30pm soon after a church service, Zanu PF youths led by youth chairperson Reason threw stones and Right to privacy other un-identical objects at the house where the funeral was held and damaged property. Other sources revealed that earlier in the afternoon, Zanu PF members had convened a private meeting at house number 33 Madzima where they planned all initiatives targeted at disrupting the funeral. It was alleged that the reason for the violent behaviour was political since the family members of the deceased were well known MDC-T supporters. Property was damaged inclusive of windows of a vehicle parked outside the premises. The matter was reported to the police under RRB number 3042207. 22 March Right to equal In Harare Central journalists where denied entry at Zimbabwe Electoral Commission offices [ZEC] by anti-riot treatment police but ZBC journalists where allowed inside the premises. It is alleged that riot police came and gave orders that only 10 people were allowed to enter the premises. 27 March Freedom of A group of Zanu PF youths suspected to be Chipangano invaded Ngaritutwe bottle store in Mbare constituency Association/Equal Ward 4, next to Matapi Police station and coerced proprietors to close down the bar accusing them of using the opportunities venue to convene MDC-T meetings. The youths suspected to be led by Changara nicknamed Chairman, went on to Security of person burn property inclusive of sofas that were in the building. The sofas were locked in a room but the youths forcefully opened the premises and dragged them out. They locked the gate of the premises ordering the proprietors to stop 13

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