April 2019 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS Analysis. The economic challenges currently obtaining in the country are a cause of concern as there does not seem to be an end in sight. The dialogue which was set to take place and herald an end to these challenges has not yielded any meaningful traction and this is likely going to implode and lead to mass protests and civil disobedience if not addressed as a matter of urgency. Financial challenges that Zimbabweans are currently facing are further compounded by a ruling party which harasses and compels people to provide the little they have for independence celebrations. Most rural dwellers live well below the poverty datum line and for the very people who they are dependent on to victimise and deprive them of food aid because of their political persuasions is worryingly callous. On the other hand, Cyclone Idai aid is being looted by the powers that be at the expense of the beneficiaries who desperately need this help. Zanu PF officials tasked with distributing this aid have shared the food among themselves resulting in the urgent needs of the victims not being addressed as was stated by the President during his site visit of Chimanimani after the Cyclone Idai disaster. ZPP hopes that perpetrators will be brought to book as there is much that still needs to be done for the disaster struck areas and progress can only be made if people sincerely perform their designated duties. Soldiers’ involvement in civilian matters such as evictions from farms is a cause of concern. This is further compounded by the extra judicial violence meted out on citizens in retaliation for the death of their colleagues. Presently, civilians’ relationship with the army is fraught with fear and suspicion as a result of shootings and violence meted on them during the August 1 2018 shooting and January 14-22 violence. In any democratic society, the army is used against a nation’s enemies and not its citizens. The fact that in Zimbabwe they are being ostensibly used in targeting civilians is truly an issue that needs immediate remedying. The abduction of ARTUZ teachers is a barbaric act which ZPP believed had passed with the first republic. This disturbingly reminds ZPP of the 2008 abductions which were wide spread and people held for long periods of time without charges for their perceived crimes. ZPP hopes the second republic will do much to ensure this ghost of the past is totally eradicated and lay a foundation for a more progressive and democratic society. ZPP calls for a total end to abductions and enforced disappearances. 11

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