 In Hoyuyu Mandondo ward 26 it is reported there was a Zanu PF meeting which was meant to intimidate Rejoice Mandebvu*, the chairperson of Heal Zimbabwe Trust Peace Club in Mutoko on 30 June. Zanu PF supporters accused Mandebvu of allowing Heal Zimbabwe Trust to get into the area without their approval. After the meeting Mandebvu was ordered to go home and write the minutes of all the meetings they had held. Charles Chimhini who claims to be a war veteran of village 6 in Mutoko South harassed Mandebvu and is reported to have ordered the club to stop its activities in the area. Mashonaland West The period under review recorded a number of intra-party violence in the various parts of the province. Most of these cases made it clear that Zanu PF was rattled by the activities of ZimPF. Members of a burial society who belonged to ZimPF reportedly had their freedom of association violated following their expulsion from the group after Zanu PF had instructed that they be expelled because of their affiliation it is alleged. Due to the drought the right to food has been violated as food is distributed on partisan grounds where only Zanu PF supporters are benefitting at the expense of other community members who do not support the ruling party. In Chegutu East people were forced to attend a Zanu PF meeting against their wishes as they were told that is how they were going to get food. Zanu PF is taking advantage of the dry spell to coerce people into attending their meetings promising them food. Highlights   At the funeral of the late prominent businessman Joseph Kudzi Marumahoko who was declared a liberation war hero, Zanu PF activists clashed with MDC-T supporters who on 2 June 2016 in ward 4 Chinhoyi district. The MDC-T supporters had also gone to pay their condolences to the Marumahoko family since one of his sons Busani Dube Marumahoko is an active MDC-T member. Busani was once the former deputy Mayor of Chinhoyi. Zanu PF supporters gathered at the funeral wake insisted that MDC-T supporters should not mourn with the family leading to attacks which resulted in the injury of some of the supporters of both parties. One MDC-T activist Tapiwa Chihota* aged 37 was left nursing a black eye while Tichaona Mahachi* aged 29 was battered and sustained a head injury and bruises. The disturbances involved senior Zanu PF and MDC-T officials who only buried the hatchet after the issue was reported to Chemagamba Police Station. Although a docket was not opened the officer-in-charge asked the Public Relations and Community officer to settle the matter. The funeral was attended by the Mashonaland West Provincial Affairs Minister Faber Chidarikire. It is reported the Idawekwako Burial Society group members were summoned by the Zanu PF shadow councillor identified as Chirikure on 14 June 2016. The reason they were called was that they were being accused of campaigning for ZimPF. Chirikure said the burial society was funding mourners at funerals in order to get a platform to campaign for ZimPF. The chairperson of the burial society Alan Sungai* denied the allegation saying their society was open to anyone despite their political affiliation. Sungai was then given orders by Chirikure to remove some members from their group 23

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