    South constituency. The thatched home was said to be under police guard at the farm compound where Malukula’s parents were formerly employed as farm workers. According to Malukula he has been taken twice to Bindura by Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) officers who tried to force him to withdraw his candidature in the election where he was up against Advocate Martin Dinha of Zanu PF. Malukula said he escaped twice by running away from the CIO offices. It is reported that the police officers guarding his parent’s house tried to convince his parents to talk to him to withdraw from contesting in the by-elections but he refused. Malukula’s right to stand for election for public office was violated as the CIO was forcing him to withdraw his candidature. His parent’s right to privacy was also violated by the presence of the police. On 16 June 2016, Mvurwi police detained the RDZ candidate Malukula over their party's symbol. This was after the Zanu PF candidate Dinha lodged a complaint with Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to disqualify Malukula over the use of an eagle as his party symbol. He was detained for 3 hrs and released after the intervention of a lawyer. The RDZ through their lawyer asked ZEC and Zanu PF to approach the courts as they said they registered the party with that symbol and had never had any problems in other by-elections. At Masembura Secondary School in Bindura South it is reported that Abraham Mhembere the Zanu PF ward chairperson and Mark Chihuri a war veteran dismissed Clara Mushonga from the School Development Committee (SDC). Clara is an MDCT supporter and was told by the two men that she was not fit to sit in the SDC because of her affiliation to the MDC-T. The incident is reported to have happened on 8 June 2016. It is reported that the voter registration of the Mazowe North by-election that ended on 8 June was politicised. Letters of proof of residence in farms were issued by Zanu PF chairpersons. This exercise was meant to instil fear in the electorate for them not to exercise their democratic right. A resident Joe Shumba* went to register at Dhawe farm and was asked to get a letter from the party secretary named Simon Chakanetsa who perpetrated violence at his home in 2008. He refused to register and asked the ZEC staff to give him an affidavit and also told the Agricultural Extension Officer Mrs Magwenya who holds the farmers’ register for Dhawe farm to assist him but she refused. Mrs Magwenya is reported to have told Shumba to get the letter from Chakanetsa leading to a disagreement between the two until the ZEC official ordered them to register him after Magwenya had confirmed that Shumba was a plot holder in the area. An eyewitness Adel Moyo* confirmed the incident. After the ZEC voter registration exercise, Zanu PF held a meeting at Pembi Chase farm in ward 26 and the meeting was chaired by unknown party officials from Guruve. The officials gave orders to the farm leadership to go into every household to conduct another Zanu PF registration for all who are eligible to vote in the byelection. They also talked about listing the electorate who are mostly former farm workers in their numbers who they should follow on voting day. The majority of the farm workers are said to have started panicking as a result of the intimidation. The farm workers were also threatened with eviction from the farm compound if anyone was caught ‘offside’. They were told that they were staying at the farm because of 18

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