   homestead. It is reported that everyone was supposed to get a clearance letter from the chief’s aides Simba Chimombe and Anna Dzikiti. It is reported that the aides were reportedly practicing corruption especially to those known to be MDC-T supporters. On this day Chimombe and Dzikiti arrived at Elias Chihuri* and Munashe Dzambata’s* house and saw piles of firewood and were given letters notifying them that they had been arrested and should go to the chief’s homestead for a hearing. On 18 June, the two walked about 5km to the Chief’s homestead as they did not have money for transport. Upon their arrival the Chief told them that before he heard their case they were to pay $35 each. They did not have the money and had to leave. It later dawned on them that the main reason they were being harassed was because of their affiliation to the MDC-T. The two went to the Chief after 4 days and apologised and surrendered MDC-T t/shirts and other regalia and they were pardoned. The two were victimised for supporting the party of their choice while it was their right to support the MDC-T they had no option but to surrender their party regalia for the sake of peace. On 19 June 2016 at 1500 hours, Councillor Sengai Masingise for ward 1 in Ruwa of the MDC-T was arrested and detained overnight at Ruwa Police Station. He was leading a group of 15-20 youths who were toyi-toying after their party meeting. The Ruwa Officer in Charge, Nyandoro saw the toy-toying youths while he was driving and called Constable Mabheka to call Masingise to the police station. Masingise handed himself to the police where he was detained overnight and was made to pay $20 admission of guilt fine. He was released the next day and was told not to lead demonstrations and the police were not going to clear MDC-T meetings in future. In Mudzi West, ward 8, Chinzeti village all villagers were allegedly forced to attend a Zanu PF meeting at Nyamuvanga Primary School on 20 June. The meeting was addressed by the MP Magina Mudyiwa. The Zanu PF youth officers forced villagers to attend the meeting against their wishes it is reported. Mudyiwa intimidated people telling them that if they did not attend Zanu PF meetings they were going to be in trouble before 2018. The villagers were also told not to receive food from any other agency and if they do they will meet the description of opposition supporters. Villagers were forced to attend the meeting due to fear. In Marondera Central, Fungai Mhofu* was encouraged to join ZimPF by Josias Mutingwina and Tenifara who are members of the ZimPF. The target refused saying he did not want to be involved in politics as he works for the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace in Zimbabwe (CCJPZ), a church organisation. The two are said to have threatened to dysfunction CCJPZ in Marondera if their target continued to refuse to join their party. The men claimed that they wanted their target to join their party because of the influence he has in the community because of the work he does in the community. The men are said to have initially called him to the Country Club where they had a meeting with other officials from Harare but the victim refused. A day later Matingwina and Tenifara went to the target’s house and tried to convince him but he still refused. The target is said to have been threatened with unspecified action if he continued to refuse to join the party and is living in fear. The incident happened on 30 June. 22

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