received the maize as the process was led by Councillor Givemore Chisvo assisted by Boniface Jaravaza, a war veteran. Mashonaland West  Member of Parliament for Hurungwe West Mr Keith Guzah reportedly distributed maize to Zanu PF members of Mashuma district on July 8. It is said the MP told people that the maize was for the people who voted for his party. Raymond Chiza* was denied food because he is not in the party structures and he alleged that the MP said people who did not support Zanu PF were going to starve to death. The MP brought 60 bags of maize.  An intra-party fight in the Zanu PF camp nearly erupted on 31 July at a disputed distribution of maize process at Mashuma Business Centre in Hurungwe West. The misunderstanding started when Mashuma District secretary Mutsa Gova* accused the chairperson Mrs Mapepa of causing him to sleep in the tobacco curing barn during last year's by election in Hurungwe West. The victim who was reportedly threatened with death by members of the campaigning team that was led by Pupurai Togarepi was forced to stop associating with Temba Mliswa. He also alleged that Mapepa was a sell out causing factionalism in the party. She is also accused of wanting to topple the chairperson, Morgan Masewe, and also refusing to share a 50kg bag of maize with another woman. The maize had come from MP for Hurungwe West constituency, Keith Guzah. The maize had come from Grain Marketing Board Karoi and people were made to pay $1.50/50kg for transport. Matebeleland North In Nkayi South a serious food deficit in the district has seen villagers suffering ill health and other related diseases. World Vision however is reported to have introduced a food for work program to help the villagers. Each person gets 50kg of maize per month after working in a community program. In Tsholotsho North the situation was generally calm with the major concern being hunger and shortage of cash. Pensioners had to travel long distances to Bulawayo and sleep overnight on pavements waiting to access their cash. 33

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