 In a case of intra party fighting Obey Mutuma* (ZimPF) from Gwenyaya village ward 16 Chivi Central is reported to have been assaulted by Phinias Zivuku also a ZimPF activist on 10 July. The two were drinking beer when Zivuku accused Mutuma of being greedy and failing to invite him to a rally at Macheke stadium. It is alleged Zivuku tore Mutuma’ Zim PF t-shirt and pushed him to the ground in public thus violating the victim’s personal and human dignity.  On 18 July, a youth officer, Privilege Matorofa of Gwitima Business Centre Chivi Central, is reported to have threatened Headman Magadzire*, Michael Mavengere* and others with unspecified action for their inclusion of MDC-T members on the social welfare food aid program. Matorofa told the gathered village Heads to consider people that support the Zanu-PF government when listing beneficiaries of food assistance. The uttered words have the potential to cause denial of food assistance to the under privileged as well as those in opposition party politics. Chivi District is perennially drought stricken and people need support both from government and development agencies.  In another case of political intolerance and intra party conflict the Masvingo Zanu-PF provincial committee led by Amasa Nenjama (acting Chairperson) is alleged to have suspended eleven provincial executive members accusing them of insubordination and causing factionalism in the party. Lucky Moyo*, Admire Nechamba*, politburo member Peter Danda* and others. The suspended lot are alleged to belong to the Team Lacoste camp a group believed to symphathise with Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Matabeleland South Mat South was the pioneer of the large scale nationwide protests which engulfed the whole country. From July 1 to 3 Beitbridge residents and cross border shoppers went on massive demonstrations against the imposition of ban on imported goods. 36 people were arrested and the matter is still before the courts. The demonstration was unique in that for the first time it was not organized by political parties but was just spontaneously mobilised by citizens. The protesters among them many of the people who made a living from cross border trade burnt the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority wareness in a bid to show that their livelihood had been affected. The province continued to endure hunger due to the drought. After the demonstrations the 28

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