Mashonaland East
Section 67 (2) (a) of the Constitution states that every Zimbabwean has to the
right to form, join and participate in the activities of a political party or organisation
of their choice, however this was not the case in Marondera where Zimbabwe
People First were holding their rally at Rudhaka Stadium. Residents were
intimidated in a bid to stop them from exercising their constitutional right. The
right to food was also violated in Chikomba Central where food was only
distributed to Zanu PF supporters. It is sad to note that those who have different
political views are left to starve.
Teachers in Goromonzi West were called to report for duty as most of the
teachers had heeded the call for a stay-away on July 6. Authorities from the
district education office were calling every two hours for names of teachers
and pupils who were present and those absent. Around 245pm district
education officers went into schools for a head count and this continued for
the whole week. The teachers had their freedom of expression infringed as
they were not allowed to participate in the demonstration. It is not clear what
will befall those who were not on duty on the day.
In Seke residents were forced to pay $1 towards Heroes Day celebrations but
most people refused to pay. People were threatened with being excluded from
the distribution of maize.that they were not going to get maize by the identified
as Hama. One Hama a Zanu PF district chairperson is said to have instructed
village heads and Zanu PF chairpersons in all the 21 wards to collect the
money from people to support the celebrations.
The collection of funds
started on 15 July 2016.
In Uzumba ward 9 Chisango village, Winston Chihera*, an MDC -T youth
member who is employed by Muzondo* (the losing MDC-T candidate in the
July 2013 election) to look after his home was threatened. On July 20
Givemore Murembu of Zanu PF went to Muzondo’s home where he harassed
and issued death threats to Chihera. Murembu ordered Chihera to leave Mr
Muzondo’s home since staying there could result in his death. He told him that
Zanu PF youths were going to destroy everything at the homestead as they