their actions to eliminate political and/or electoral from the onset of the Biometric Voter Registration exercise violence started Establish and enforce the operationalisation of consequences some citizens actually think it’s the standard investigative committees and multi-party liaison and in the process Zanu PF has been allowed to justify these committees acts. The lack of information on the practice has left victims Desist using hate language and slogans that resigned to their fate and give tales of the futility of resisting perpetuate conflict and avoid using food and other as they not received any protection. In some communities aid to influence the electorate ZEC has been used as the authority demanding the recording Stop traditional leaders, and security agents from of serial numbers and in other cases citizens have been told instilling fear in the electorate and encourage the to leave registration slips for safe keeping. The practice is establishment of electoral resolution mechanisms widespread and it has been systematic in the manner that it in September 2017 with the unfortunate has been conducted. The concern however is the lukewarm response of ZEC and the link that is noted between Zanu PF Executive Summary cell structures and the demand for recording of serial There was a 24% increase of violations from 186 cases in numbers. The concept of the book of life are being subjected December to 245 violations in January. The majority of to speaks to some judgement to happen in the future and violations were around the forced surrender of voter opens floodgates for acts of violence and the instilling of registration slips to record serial numbers by mostly Zanu fear in the electorate all of which are not foundations for PF members and activists. Traditional leaders who free, fair and credible elections. according to section 281 of the Constitution are supposed to be partisan have been willing accomplices in this practice. Harassment and intimidation cases increased in January to Pronouncements by President Emmerson Mnangagwa that 169 recorded violations, followed by an increase in the elections will be held ‘earlier’ than July 2018 have discrimination with 57 violations. There is a decrease in resulted in intense jostling and positioning to gain an cases of assault with 6 and theft/looting with 8. Manicaland advantage in the electoral field by candidates and escalated had the highest recorded violations for January with 62, the demand for serial numbers on voter slips. followed closely by Mashonaland Central with 60 and Masvingo with 38. Discrimination cases have increased as From the time the ZPP started recording these cases 15 were the country has entered the rainy season and those tasked recorded in October, 24 in November, 20 in December and with distributing government inputs are doing so in a 40 in January. The serial numbers saga has continued in partisan manner favouring supporters of the ruling party. most parts of the country unabated making the political The councillors who are responsible for distribution are environment non conducive as the electorate is subjected to party functionaries and engage in this practice to protect massive intimidation. The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission their positions. In Mashonaland Central violations are (ZEC) acting chairperson Emmanuel Magade condemned mainly intra-party with members of the G40 faction being the practice too little too late. The practice has played out targeted as this province was the stronghold of the G40. 5

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