claimed they were acting on the instructions of James Moses identification number. Robson is alleged to have further told Zunu a Midlands Zanu PF provincial member. The move is the residents that there was going to be distribution of rice and alleged to have instilled fear in the villagers as they did not which was only going to be given to those who have know and understand why this had been done. registered hence his collecting of registration slips as proof of one having been registered to vote. Robson is believed to be a On 27 January, in Gweru-Mkoba, ward 9, it was reported that former member of the Zimbabwe National Army. the Zanu PF leadership tasked its members Christine Chingwa and one identified as Grace to collect voter registration slips’ Category of incident serial numbers from residents. it is alleged the serial numbers Dec 2017 Jan 2018 Assault 1 0 Theft/looting 0 0 Discrimination 0 3 Torture 0 0 voter registration serial numbers’ at a meeting of the ward. It Intimidation/harassment 6 13 is reported that Mazise, informed those gathered that the 2018 Disrupted 0 0 polls were going to be free and all villagers were going to be Meeting allowed to make their political choices freely. He further told *Names of victims have been changed. were being collected from their fellow Zanu PF members only. On 29 January, in ward 16 Tchoda in Gokwe-Gumunyu, it is reported that one Moses Mazise, asked villagers to handover the gathering that he was a Zanu PF provincial member and he had come to ward 16 to strengthen the Zanu PF party before proceeding to ask villagers to surrender voter registration serial numbers. It is reported that in Kwekwe-Mbizo, a Zanu PF activist identified as Robson but known as Jamaica in the area went around the ward collecting residents’ voter slips serial numbers. The serial numbers were then listed against one’s 31 Political

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