they pay $5 for their portion. The two did not failed to comply and did not access food handouts. Lazarus Ncube*failed to access food handouts at the instigation of a Zanu PF activist Aaron Ndlovu. The incident happened on 10 January at Wabayi village in Gwanda North in ward 6. Ndlovu who is also the village head refused to register Ncube accusing him of being an MDC-T supporter. Piniel Sikhosana* was threatened and forced to attend a Zanu PF meeting at Mtshazo Business Centre by Biliat Moyo Zanu PF district chairperson. The incident happened on 12 January in Gwanda South constituency. Moyo told Sikhosana that plans were underway to deal with individuals like him who isolate themselves from Zanu PF. Sikhosana is the village secretary and an aspiring MDC-T councillor in the forthcoming elections. At Gohole village ward 17 Gwanda South constituency villagers report being coerced to handover voter slip serial Threat level: Low numbers by Donald Ncube of Zanu PF. Ncube is reported to be going door to door demanding the serial numbers. A group of Zanu PF members led by Sheni Hove are reported On the 26th of November at ward 6 of Bulilima West to have threatened Anderson Mhungu on 11 January in Gokwe constituency, it was reported that a man only identified as Chireya. The perpetrators who were in a black Nissan truck emblazoned with Zanu PF posters approached Mhungu at Chireya primary where he is head. Mhungu was being Category of incident Dec 2017 Jan 2018 Assault 0 0 Theft/looting 0 0 government directive children were not supposed to be turned Discrimination 0 3 away from school for non-payment of fees. Displacement 0 0 Intimidation/harassment 1 5 punished for sending away children who had not paid school fees. They are alleged to have stated that according to the In Gokwe Gumunyu, Nyamhara area food was distributed in a partisan manner. The rice which was initially for all the villagers was hijacked and distributed by the Zanu PF Nyamhara branch leadership. Prior to the distribution of the 29

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