In Chivi South, it is reported the aspiring candidate for the On 23 January two women Dunia Dahwa and one Keche house of assembly seat under the Zanu PF ticket a woman moved door to door demanding voter registration slips and identified as Hungoidza embarked on a recording of serial allegedly recorded serial numbers in a Zanu PF register. This numbers mission on 19 January. It is alleged that Hungoidza happened in Masvingo West in ward 33 Mashava. The two who was once accused of being aligned to the G40 faction in told residents to attend a Zanu PF meeting which was Zanu PF, went around villages collecting voter registration scheduled for the following day. At the meeting villagers were slips serial numbers and at the same time conducting a door to told about rice distribution to only those who had submitted door campaign were she distributed chicken to those who serial numbers. would have given her the serial numbers. This was reported to have instilled fear in those of advanced age as they were left In Chiredzi West, ward 8 Tshovani, an intra-party squabble contemplating whether to cast their votes in the upcoming was reported. It is alleged that two aspiring ward 8 councillors elections or not as they say they feel they will not exercise in the upcoming 2018 polls in Zanu PF Munyaradzi their voting rights freely. Hatinahama and one who was only identified as Chigidi clashed. The misunderstanding arose when Chigidi’s On 19 January, in Chivi Central, at Nyamakwe Business supporters wrote a petition to the party leadership in the Centre, it is reported that villagers were threatened, constituency against Hatinahama citing ineligibility to stand as intimidated and told not to attend any Zanu PF meeting which councillor since he had a criminal record. In anger was going to be called by the sitting Member of Parliament Hatinahama confronted Chigidi leading to a fight. The matter Ephraim Gwanogodza. The perpetrator is Mugove Nhando a not reported to police but was referred to the Zanu PF party well-known Paul Mangwana (the aspiring house of assembly district disciplinary department. No serious injuries were candidate for the 2018 elections) sympathizer who allegedly sustained. warned villagers that they were not supposed to attend any meeting called by Gwanogodza as he was said to have Category of incident Dec 2017 Jan 2018 belonged to the G40 faction which meant he was an enemy of Assault 2 2 Discrimination 0 8 7 27 0 0 the current Zanu PF leadership. In Bikita East, ward 17, Nyarwamba village, it is reported that Intimidation/harassmen villagers gathered on 20 January for a meeting called by t Muchayana Rukweza and Desmond Madzvamuse and at the Displacement meeting villagers were ordered to submit voter registration slips and their national identification cards, the details are recorded in the book the two had with them. Rukweza and Madzvamuse further told villagers to spread to the rest. Only those with recorded serial numbers were to be rewarded with food aid in the future. 27

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