every registered villager. Kadyamusuma is reported to have praised Zanu PF and strongly denounced the opposition MDC- assigned one Mai Munashe Njanji (a wife to Lovemore Njanji T and the G40. It was also said that after the Zanu PF slogans’ who is a driver at Avila hospital) to note serial numbers of all chanting, Ziki is alleged to have told the villagers that she was registered voters in Kadyamusuma village ward 2. The going to give fertilizer to Zanu PF supporters only. villagers are reported to be afraid to withhold this information as they were being intimidated with unspecified but On 10 January, in Mutare Central, it was reported that schools ‘disastrous’ consequences. around the city turned away pupils, for non-payment of school fees. It is alleged that one of the affected schools is Baring In Nyanga North ward 3, Maruza village a case of villagers Primary. According to Tafadzwa Ziki* a parent who being requested for their voter registration slips’ serial confirmed the development said his son could was not allowed numbers was reported on 4 January. It is alleged that Tendai even to enter the gate at Baring Primary without proof of Nyamuwe a well-known Zanu PF activist was reported to payment. Other affected schools include Mutare Boys High, have been taking note of the voter registration slips’ serial Murahwa Primary school, Chikanga Secondary, St Joseph numbers of all registered voters in that village. He is alleged to Secondary, St Dominic High, Nyamauru Secondary, Mutare have said that he had been sent by Junior School and St Marys Secondary. ZEC to conduct the exercise, which was exposed as a lie by villagers as ZEC officers operating as voter educators in the ward refuted On 11 January, in Chikanga/Dangamvura ward 17 Nat view having instructed anyone to carry out such an operation. Park, it is reported that the Zanu PF party distributed food aid to residents, a move which was viewed as vote buying by On 4 January in ward 2, Taibo village Nyanga North, it was some residents. It is alleged that the Chikanga/Dangamvura reported that the Zanu PF ward youth chairperson Wendy lawmaker Esau Fungai Mupfumi on the day in question gave Sabungu called for a meeting. It is alleged that at this meeting rice to about 200 residents. It is reported that according to the where most villagers were forced to attend, Sabungu Zanu PF ward political commissar Tinashe Usavi, they (as compelled all of them to submit their voter registration slips’ Zanu PF) noted down the registration serial numbers of the serial numbers for recording to him. He is reported to have prospective residents and gave 3kgs of rice per person. He is further told the villagers that the serial numbers are wanted by reported to have further said they noted the serial numbers in ZEC. order to know the residents’ political influence. On 8 January, in Buhera West, it was reported that ward 5 A meeting was called by Zanu PF chairperson Brighton villagers gathered at Jaggers Business Centre in anticipation to Muzvuzvu in Chimanimani West which was supposed to be receive ammonium nitrate fertilizers. It is alleged that ward attended by all villagers irrespective of political affiliation. It Councillor Jane Ziki, one Forward Sadzi and Albert Chikukwa is alleged that villagers were ordered to carry with them their all of Zanu PF then turned the occasion into a Zanu PF voter registration slips to that meeting on 12 January. It was campaign meeting. It was said that these three took turns to also said that those without the slips or who did not register to chant Zanu PF slogans forcing villagers to join in as they vote were not supposed to attend. Rice was distributed after 15

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