their voter registration slips. It also reported that he then to villagers who had produced their voter registration slips. It recorded the serial numbers on the voter registration slips and is alleged that even those who had brought voter slips of their later said he was going to forward the information to the absent relatives benefited according to the number of voter Chipinge District Administration office registration slips one produced. It is said that each registration slip was rewarded with 2kg rice. Some received as much as On 18 January, in Mutare West, it was reported Dorothy Gijini 10kgs of rice depending on the number of registration slips wife of a well known war veteran Ndlovu in Muwangirwa one had produced. The legislator is said to have made it clear village ward 10 allegedly forced villagers of Rubatso and that those who did not register and did not have registration Muwangirwa to surrender registration slips for noting in her slips were not going to benefit on that day. It is said that she Zanu PF book of life. The meeting was allegedly targeting further said in future the aid was going to be given to Zanu PF women in the ward. members registered at branch and cell level. On 18 January, Buhera District Administrator identified as Pretty Madondo a Zanu PF women's league member in ward Mavhiza is reported to have asked Wilson Tarwireyi whether 21 of Makoni Central is reported to have approached Joyce he had registered to vote or not. On the day in question Mupotsa an MDC-T member on 19 January. It was reported Tarwireyi was said to have visited the DA’s offices to collect that Madondo allegedly demanded that Mupotsa produce her a new identification card after losing another. Tarwireyi is voter registration slip. Madondo is alleged to have been reported to have been told to surrender the registration slip to collecting serial numbers for some time now. the headman after registering. The incident happened in Buhera West. In Mutare West, ward 17, on 21 January, it was reported that Takarwa Jesman Foroma, Wilson Mhuriyengwe, Tafadzwa In Mutare North, ward 11, Kwembeya village at Gorowa Matara and Mwakaitedzva Mhuriyengwe who is a kraal head Business Centre, it was reported that Ngwarai and Manjese called for a meeting for the collection of the registration slips both Zanu PF members threatened and intimidated Hillary serial numbers from villagers. The three are reported to be the Dzobo*on 19 January as they demanded his registration slip. kraal head (Mhuriyengwe)’s right-hand men who were The same individuals also demanded that village head working hard in the village to gather the crowd for the Kwembeya who is suspected to be an MDC-T member to process. The meeting was reported to have been held at hand over his registration slip. Other identified victims of the Pamutsamvu near the kraal head’s homestead. All villagers in process were among Esther Chitonga and Dorothy Chiwaya*. this vicinity are alleged to have complied as there were threats The meeting was allegedly sanctioned by Councillor Chateu of serious consequences for those who did not oblige. One Ndoro. notable victim of this process was one Crispen Saurombe*. The perpetrators are known Zanu PF members. In Chimanimani West, it is reported that a meeting was called for all villagers to attend by the constituency’s legislator On 23 January, Fungai Nyakarenga a Zanu PF activist in Nokuthula Matsikenyere on 19 January. It is alleged that at the Mutandiko village, ward 2 of Nyanga North was reported to gathering there was rice that was reported to have been given 17

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