Zanu PF activists only identified as Mrs Sarudzai Gonhi, Mai Prince, Mrs Davis Shawn Willis, Mrs Kanda and Pauline Assault l 2 Discrimination 2 4 Theft/looting 1 0 MDP 2 2 Intimidation/harassment 9 14 Hlohla led by party chairperson Mutizwa were seen conducting a door to door campaign in Hatfield, recording Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) serial numbers from registrants in Komboniyatswa ward 22. On 15 January these activists claimed to be conducting their duties as assigned by Displacement the provincial authorities. This initiative left villagers Unlawful detention concerned since President Mnangagwa has been promising to 0 conduct free, fair and credible elections. It is alleged that the group threatened to deny residential stands to those who defied their orders. The same activists have also been accused of embezzling funds claiming to facilitate development in the area. It is alleged that an MDC-T activist identified only as Funwell Madzima* was assaulted by unidentified Zanu PF youths for declining to surrender his BVR serial number in Mabvuku Tafara, ward 20. On 19 January seven Zanu PF youths who were conducting a door to door campaign in Tafara allegedly assaulted Madzima*when he refused to give them the details. Threat level: High They assaulted him with sticks before fleeing from the scene. Reports are that the victim sustained minor injuries. Zanu PF activists Michael Mtandwa and Stella Chiningi (Mai In Nyanga South ward 15, it is reported that in almost all Mike) are accused of forcing residents to surrender BVR villages, villagers were being harassed by Zanu PF serial numbers in Glenview South, Riverside, ward 1. It is chairperson Jethro Saunyama, one Nhamo Mugwede, Patrick alleged that on 25 January these activists were identified Rosha and Mike Ziko all Zanu PF members on January 4 to conducting a door to door campaign along Amalinda road produce their voter slips for recording of serial numbers. The close to ZAOGA church recording serial numbers. They case is said to have been reported at Nyamaropa Police Station reportedly threatened people with loss of residential stands if but the details of the report could not be established. they defied orders. On 4 January, in Nyanga South ward 2, a case of violation of Category of incident Dec Jan 2018 the Electoral Act was recorded. It is alleged that a youth 2017 officer Courage Kadyamusuma demanded serial numbers of 14

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