23 August Freedom Expression of In Marondera Central *Morris Ngirande, *Tafadzwa Moyo and *Rodwell Zuze were said to have been arrested and taken to the police station. They were accused of urging people to heed the stay away. The three victims were released after a week. They were told to report to the police every Monday and Friday 27 August Freedom Association of At a district youth meeting reportedly held at Zaire Township in Hwedza South, MP David Musabayana urged the youths to keep on hunting for opposition supporters. He promised the youth more than 800 residential stands at Hwedza Growth Point. 30 August Freedom association of Eden Magonga of MDC-T was accused of ordering a Zanu PF supporter to remove his party t-shirt. Magonga is said to have burnt the t-shirt at Goromonzi Business Centre. He was arrested and detained in police holding cells at Goromonzi Police Station until 1 September. 31 August Freedom Expression of Teachers who participated in the RTUZ walk from Mutawatawa Growth Point to Harare were allegedly harassed and questioned by police officers at Mashambanhaka in ward 9. They were later arrested at Murewa Centre. 31 August Freedom Assembly of Hatcliffe residents who were reportedly at Takasangana bar were beaten by soldiers around 10 pm. Vendors had their wares confiscated by the soldiers. It is suspected the soldiers wanted people to disperse. Mashonaland West During the month of August there were a number of cases that violated freedom of assembly and association and freedom to demonstrate and petition. People were threatened with unspecified actions and a repeat of 2008 violence if the participated in any of the demonstrations. Citizens live in fear as they do not know what might befall them. In other areas people were also intimidated and threatened with violence for supporting ZimPF and MDC-T. Others were forced to pay contributions towards Heroes Day celebrations and accused of supporting ZimPF if they failed to contribute the $5 that was required. Most villagers were forced to sell their maize to raise the money. 19

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