Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 6 August Freedom of Assembly Police unlawfully detained 14 #ThisFlag protesters at Bulawayo Central Police Station. The protesters were among the cricket game spectators at Queens Sports Club who sang the national anthem at the game’s 36th over. The protest it is reported was against poor governance, an ailing economy and disregard of human rights by President Robert Mugabe’s government. The protesters were not charged upon their release. 23 August Right to Land It is alleged that in Lobengula, Zanu PF leadership lured MDC T and other party supporters by promising to give them land on the outskirts of the city on condition that they defect to Zanu PF. The meeting was held at Chairperson Ncube’s house in Lobengula. 26 August Freedom of Expression Bulawayo East was marked with very heavy police presence that instilled fear in people and also curtailed their movements. Residents felt intimidated by water canon tanks and police in riot gear roaming the streets. 31 August Right to Shelter Furniture, windowpanes and roofs of houses in Makokoba, which were destroyed during the July riots, have not been repaired and families are still without blankets, clothing and food. At house number 2219 First Street in Makokoba, Gogo *Chimonyo and her family still sleep on the floor with very few blankets offered by neighbors.

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