25 August Freedom of association Hate speech and foul language was reportedly used against MDC-T members and Headman Nembudziya at a development meeting convened at Headman Nembudziya’s homestead. The Zanu PF members fronted by Chiherenge and Kanogoverana allegedly verbally assaulted the MDC-T supporters and said their party should not hold any events in the area. At the meeting no productive discussions regarding development were held. Right to Water Access to clean, safe and potable water is a challenge in Redcliff leading people to access water from unprotected sources. Residents of Rutendo suburb have gone for months without water after the City of Kwekwe cut off water supplies citing non-payment of previous bills. Ironically, the Rutendo residents claim that they cannot pay because their employer, ZISCO Steel Company, has laid most of them off and is failing to pay their benefits. *The names of victims have been changed. 24

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