Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 4 Key Findings and Mitigation Measures Partisan policing by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) The ZRP has resorted to using of the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act to scuttle opposition party gatherings. On 12 February, the ZRP did not clear the opposition CCC to hold a rally at Nhakiwa Business Centre in Uzumba citing that the notification did not fully comply with the requirements of the law in particular Section 7 (1) (b) of the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act (MOPA) which governs notices of public meetings. On 25 February the ZRP blocked another CCC cluster one-year anniversary celebration rally in Murehwa and Umzingwane. Other intended rallies that were not cleared by the police include rallies scheduled for Ambassador ward 3 Kariba Constituency, Chin’ai business centre in Ward 15 in Gutu Central Constituency and Rowa Grounds in Mutare. In the run-up to the 26 March 2022 by-elections, the ZRP blocked several CCC rallies citing various reasons including the unavailability of the venues and shortage of manpower to cover events. 68 CCC rallies have been effectively banned by the ZRP since the party was launched. CCC councillor for Ward 7 in Masvingo, Richard Musekiwa was arrested for convening a meeting at his house in Rujeko on February 18 and charged with contravening the MOPA Act. MOPA came into effect in November 2019 to replace the repealed POSA which was used to clamp down on opposition supporters under the reign of the late President Robert Mugabe. The UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of peaceful assembly and association in 2019 noted that MOPA is not conducive to free and unhindered exercise of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, negatively affecting the exercise of the rights to freedom of association and expression. Recommendations 1. Regional human rights activists and defenders are urged to continue with advocacy initiatives to impress on States to respect constitutional rights in the face of rising intolerance to dissenting voices. 2. The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission should expeditiously investigate cases of partisan policing and train the police on impartial policing without fear or favour. 7 February 2023

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