Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 On 21 February President Emmerson Mnangagwa gazetted the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) Delimitation Report which sets out the boundaries of wards and constituencies to be used in the upcoming harmonised elections. The gazetting of the report has sparked criticism as some argue that it was published outside the bounds of the law. According to constitutional law expert Professor Lovemore Madhuku, ZEC can only make two submissions, a preliminary report for onward submission to parliament to comment on and a final report after taking into consideration the comments by parliament. On 3 February, the Chairperson of ZEC presented what she said to journalists was her Commission’s final Delimitation report to the President. This means the 14-day period expired on Friday 17 February. Government spokespersons later denied it was the final report, claiming it was only a draft. The government insisted then that President Mnangagwa had not received the final report. In parliament Hon Settlement Chikwinya asked the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs to clarify the dates on which the President received the ZEC final Delimitation report and when the Presidential proclamation would be gazetted to clarify conflicting statements by Government spokespersons. The Minister Hon Ziyambi Ziyambi refused to answer the question despite being pressed by MPs. February 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 4

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