The targeting of markets and vending sites is hardly new to the Zimbabwe landscape. A few years back ruling
party affiliated ‘Mandimbandimba’ wreaked havoc at bus termini fleecing owners of commuter omnibus. Now
the ruling party through some shadowy affiliates, ‘vendors4ED’, are causing havoc in some urban areas
demanding USD1 a day for vendors to use undesignated sites rejecting local authority designated sites. As
election season heats up volatility and tensions will best describe the situation facing the electorate. Women,
young women and women with disabilities are the most vulnerable, they are the majority in rural areas, they
make the bulk of vendors in most urban areas.
The Monthly Monitoring Report (MMR) is a compilation of human rights violations painting a picture of the
human rights situation in the country month on month. In addition to identifying offenders and victims, the
report informs the public about the state of social, political, economic, civil, and cultural rights and is used to
develop advocacy initiatives with the help of various stakeholders. ZPP launched the #RRRV2023 campaign
ahead of the elections to mobilise citizens to Resist, Reject, and Report violence. The campaign seeks to
contribute to the existence of a conducive environment for the harmonised elections. The campaign allows
citizens in general to report cases they witness and experience which violate their political rights as provided
in section 67. The campaign seeks also give citizens the opportunity to reject and resist prospective leaders
who are violent. The campaign demonstrates to citizens that they wield a lot of power to ensure a conducive
environment exists in the run up to the elections.
February 2023
The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report