Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 7 Provincial Outlook Mashonaland Central The Zanu PF Cell restructuring exercise in Mashonaland Central was characterised by intimidation and harassment of villagers in communities. In Mt Darwin North, villagers were being advised to join ruling party cell structures to be safe from punishment after elections. In Bindura Zanu PF activists went door to door promising people government aid if they vote for the ruling party in the elections. The campaign ground is not level as Citizens Coalition for Change activities are perennially blocked by ruling party activists and traditional leaders. Police in Mbire did not clear a CCC inter-district campaign meeting. It is alleged that Officer in Charge at Mbire police station told CCC district coordinator Mrs Bacilia Majaya that their application to hold the meeting was not cleared citing unclear reasons as to why they could not proceed with the event. The meeting which was targeting mobilisation of villagers in upper and lower Guruve areas was eventually postponed. Harare Intimidation was widespread in Harare province. In Epworth from Overspill to Makomo home industrial areas, Zanu PF conducted a cell restructuring exercise intimidating residents to join the ruling party or face discrimination from benefitting from government aid. The cell exercise which was implemented under the banner, “Simukai Tiverengane “ loosely translated to mean ‘let’s account for everyone’ saw people being made to submit their personal details (ID numbers, phone numbers and addresses. On 2 February in Glenview South ward 32, Zanu PF activists Donald Chimatira, Mrs Hombarume, Collins Chitepo, Ms Florence Masami and Ms Portia Madawu went door to door on a cell restructuring exercise recording residents’ personal details including their previous polling stations which left residents in fear of intentions of such exercises. The activists promised people government facilitated project funds if they joined groups such as widows for economic development, young women for economic development and vendors for economic development. February 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 17

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