Delimitation Report Crisis According to analysis done by legal experts and election watchdogs the recently proclaimed ZEC Delimitation report is viewed as being laden with constitutional irregularities and anomalies.According to Veritas, the wrong part of the report was published due to the wrong formula used for variations in voter numbers hence the Delimitation report may be unconstitutional. Veritas argues that the use of the wrong formula to calculate voter variations, cannot be corrected quickly in the short time available before the elections and according to the Constitution, this year's election will have to be held under the old 2008 delimitation since the report is not error-free. According to section 161(2) of the Constitution, the proclamation of the election day will have to be no earlier than 20 August as the polling day for the election is supposed to be six months after publication of the report. Veritas stated that among other breaches in handling the proclamation of the Delimitation report, Section 161(11) of the Constitution lays down that the President must publish a proclamation in the Gazette declaring the names and boundaries of the wards and constituencies as finally determined by the Commission within 14 days after receiving the report. The President did publish the report, but he left out the most important part, the one that sets out electoral boundaries. This creates a seed for political disputes after the announcement of election results. Recommendations 1. ZEC is urged to engage its stakeholders to ensure there is better understanding of the situation around the Delimitation process so as to instil confidence in the Commission. February 2023 The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 9

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