Political violence There has been an increase in cases of politically motivated violence since the proclamation of the election day by President Emmerson Mnangagwa on 31 May. ZPP recorded an increase in violence targeting opposition Citizen Coalition for Change activists by suspected Zanu PF supporters in Harare, Mashonaland Central, Masvingo, Manicaland and some parts of Midlands. In Mbare, a known industrial hub for informal traders became a political hotpot in Harare CCC activist Grace Mirirodhi and 9 other CCC women were attacked by Zanu PF supporters led by Cde Olembe on July 13. The perpetrators forcefully stripped Grace of her party regalia and left her half naked. (RRB5508307 Matapi Police Station). On 14 July, 3 Zanu PF youths clad in party regalia sprayed Talent Matiutza with an unknown substance and she fainted. They were accusing her of supporting the CCC. The case was reported at Stoddard police station (RRB 5495723). That same day (14 July), CCC activist Shame M was assaulted by Zanu PF youths while putting up CCC posters in Mbare. The victim sustained injuries.CCC activist Washington Dzungwa was brutally assaulted by suspected Zanu PF youths in Mbare while sticking posters for Mbare aspiring legislator Starman Chamisa on July 14. The victim was beaten indiscriminately with sticks and sustained chest pains. The trend of assaults targeting opposition CCC activists continued on 21 July in Mbare, when CCC activist Denford Jambare was brutally assaulted by a group of approximately 45 Zanu PF youths who disembarked from a lorry beating CCC members indiscriminately. The victim was attacked with sticks by the youths at Pfumojena Council bar area around 5:30pm. He sustained internal injuries, and the perpetrators confiscated his phone before leaving him unconscious. In Zengeza East Chitungwiza, CCC activists James Nkonde, Calvin Mutizira, and Albert Masamba were brutally assaulted by alleged Zanu PF youths in Zengeza during a door-to-door voter mobilisation campaign. The victims were reportedly ambushed by the youths who assaulted them with chains, clenched fists and booted feet. Nkonde sustained an eye injury, Mutizira mouth injuries while Masamba had his phone confiscated by the perpetrators. The incident happened on 7 July 2023. On 17 July, CCC activist Tryvine Musokeri was assaulted by suspected Zanu PF youths in Zengeza East Chitungwiza on his way home. The victim sustained a broken finger while trying to repel the youths who were assaulting him for his activism. In Epworth, four CCC activists Agnes Mabhena, Agnes Chiwashira, Rujeko Chipiramhosva and Ndomupei Machoba were brutally assaulted by a group of Zanu PF supporters led by Cde Ottoman and Cde Mahachi. Social media video footage of the victims showed bloodied images of three women and a man. The incident happened on 21 July and was reported at Domboramwari Police Station in Epworth (RRB5639026). On 20 July in Churu constituency at Takaz shopping centre ward 1 bout 20 Zanu PF youths led by Barrington Mtanga, Privy and Kaseke chased a CCC campaign team led by Farisai Nyakudya, Tendai Mbambe and Tatenda Mukurunge. The youths reportedly blocked their ‘baby’ Quantum vehicle before smashing windows. They allegedly attempted to burn the vehicle, putting fire underneath it; however, the victims escaped driving off at high speed. 3 CCC activists sustained injuries following the attack. Page 3

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