The Round Up In the month before the elections ZPP recorded 301 human rights violations, a large increase from 206 in June 2023. The recorded violations demonstrate that citizens are not able to access an environment that is free to exercise their constitutionally guaranteed freedoms in independent Zimbabwe. 54% of the violations were of threats, harassment, and intimidation, 19% of assault and 12% of discrimination. ZPP identified 5 006 victims of human rights violations (59% male, 39% female, 1% male persons with disability and 0.9% female PWDs). The general citizens populated the highest percentage of victims, 91%, and Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) supporters followed with 8% and Zanu PF with 0.3%. The Zanu PF party perpetrated the most violations (59%), followed by the Forever Associates Zimbabwe (FAZ) at 12% and the ZRP at 6%. Mashonaland Central (79) and Manicaland (59) provinces recorded the highest violations, followed by Harare (41) whilst Matabeleland North (5) and South (2) and Bulawayo (12) had the lowest. ZPP is largely concerned about how women continue to be victims of human rights abuses and violations generally and the targeting of female opposition supporters in particular. ZPP has documented a slight increase of female victims from 38% in June to 39% for July. Assault of Human rights defenders and aspiring candidates In the discharge of their duties, human rights defenders particularly the media personnel faced harassment and assault. The case in point being Annastancia Ndlovu, a journalist with Voice of America (VOA) based in Bulawayo who was assaulted by a group of Zanu PF members. It is said that Ndlovu was recording stories and experiences of the vendors who were being forced by Zanu PF to register in party cell groups. Facts confirm that Ndlovu was assaulted for ecording the experiences of the vendors. She had her phone confiscated and it was later given back to her. This is another case of violence against a journalist in the course of their duties. During the 2023 pre-electoral period ZPP has observed an alarming trend of attacks and intimidation against CCC activists in their localities. Attacks on aspiring candidates have been documented by ZPP, primarily against aspiring local authority and national assembly candidates. Page 1

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