On 26 July, a chemical explosive device was thrown at the house of the CCC St Mary aspiring legislator Brighton Mazhindu. Reports indicate that the arson attack happened at midnight at a time when the victim and his family were asleep. Mazhindu reportedly told Newsday that the explosive device caused damage worth US$1,000. The explosion shattered windowpanes blew off his carport roof, and caused cracks on the wall. The victim suspects his rival CCC candidate lawyer Fred Masarirevu who also filed his papers under the CCC, although the opposition party disowned him. “I was awakened by a disturbing sound at around 1:30am. I suspect Freddy because he does not have any support in the constituency”. In response to the accusations, Masarirevu denied any involvement and accused Mazhindu of dragging his name into the mud. He stated that he was not a politician like Mazhindu and alluded to the dirty nature of politics. The incident was reported to the police (RRB5644417). The Police Bomb Disposal and Forensics Unit attended the scene. Police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, confirmed that investigations were underway, and a detailed statement would be released in due course. Mashonaland West Province Mashonaland West recorded political rights violations. It is alleged that Zanu PF activists barred a Council meeting meant to educate people on municipal by laws in Chegutu East at Dombwe farmers hall ward 17. Reports indicate that Zanu PF activists Tapiwa Karonga (ward 18 Councillor) and Fanuel Makamure (Zanu PF chairperson) halted the meeting saying that it was not supposed to be held in ward 17 under CCC Councillor Stewart Kamudyariwa. They reportedly argued that Kamudyariwa and his supporters should not be allowed to participate in government initiatives saying the meeting will not be convened there. In Chegutu east ward 16, Zanu PF aspiring Councillor Tapiwa Karonga intimidated people to vote for Zanu PF during a ward meeting. In his address on 6 July 2023, Karonga said people will be assaulted worse than what happened in 2008. He reiterated that this year many people will be targeted, especially those aligned to the opposition CCC. Mashonaland East Province In Mashonaland East, Mudzi North, Mutesva villagers in ward 10 under Chief Goronga were forced to attend a political meeting which was addressed by aspiring Zanu PF Mudzi North legislator Benjamin Musweweshiri. On 25 July, a village head was assigned to compile names of all absentees for unknown reasons. It is said that during the meeting villagers were made to sing revolutionary songs chanting ruling party slogans denouncing the opposition CCC. In his address Musweweshiri warned people against supporting opposition parties saying they risk facing serious consequences. Villagers were also advised to report to the village head when they receive a visitor at their homes. In ward 2 Mudzi North at Nyahuku village, on 7 July, legislator Newton Kachepa and his aide Karima addressed a village meeting. It is said that during the meeting Kachepa inquired why people did not vote for him during the primary elections before issuing threats to punish. He went on to say that he was going to kill them one by one which left many people living in fear. In his closing remarks, Kachepa threatened people with a lot of suffering if they chose not to follow what he was telling them. In Mudzi North at Kotwa Growth Point ward 10. It is alleged that Zanu PF youths sent by aspiring legislator Benjamin Musweweshiri were running in streets singing revolutionary songs denigrating the opposition CCC. The youths forcibly made vendors to abandon business and join them. It is said that even people with health challenges were forced to run around Kotwa growth point singing and chanting Zanu PF slogans. Page 18

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