Key Findings and Mitigation Measures The Plight of female human rights defenders On July 4, 2023 the CCC two female activists were acquitted by the High Court on charges of communicating falsehoods following their abduction in 2020. Joana Mamombe, Cecilia Chimbiri and Netsai Marova were arrested and accused of faking their abduction and torture. This demonstrates the struggles that numerous female human rights defenders face in order to obtain fair trials in Zimbabwe. In August 2019, Samantha "Gonyeti" Kureya, a female comedian whose skits and films parody the government and its policies, was kidnapped, tortured, and subjected to inhumane and degrading treatment. She was then later arrested on allegations of wearing police uniforms without authorisation. The legal system does not protect human rights defenders who require psychological or medical assistance, instead they will suffer further abuse due to prolonged detentions and arbitrary arrests. Civic space in Zimbabwe is shrinking and women who are more vulnerable are mostly affected. Recommendations CSOs are urged to initiate early response mechanisms to ensure human rights defenders’ needs including legal and medical assistance are quickly responded to. Cases of Arson among supporters ZPP recorded 4 cases of arson targeting opposition Citizens’ Coalition for Change activists by suspected Zanu PF supporters. The victims reported that they suspected their rivalries in Zanu PF. In Chiredzi South, 2 CCC activists experienced arson attacks from suspected Zanu PF supporters. In ward 7, a CCC member had his hut torched by suspected Zanu PF members on 19 July 2023. The victim was seen sticking posters of CCC aspiring legislator Douglas Gumba before the incident. A report was made at Chambuta police station (RRB 5483395). In ward 6 on 20 July, another CCC member’s hut was burnt (CR39/07/23 Chambuta police station). The victims lost wares including food, cement, live chickens, mattresses, kitchen utensils and property all of which has affected their livelihoods. Page 13

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