Major Highlights Campaigns and Environment The political environment was not conducive for citizens to exercise their political rights and freedoms of assembly and association freely without fear or intimidation. The ruling party Zanu PF held rallies countrywide where people were reportedly coerced to attend campaigns against their will. Zanu PF held campaign rallies in Masvingo, Muzarabani South, Mashonaland West and Matabeleland South provinces. Many people who attended these rallies were subjected to threats, intimidation and harassment by ruling party activists and traditional leaders participating in partisan politics. In other reports, the police banned CCC rallies in some parts of the country. In Mashonaland West, on 8 July, Zanu PF convened a rally addressed by President ED Mnangagwa at Chemhanza showground in Magunje. It is said that although people came from all corners of the country, the majority of citizens were coerced to attend the rally. People were reportedly given bread, fast food, oranges, and party regalia (wrapping cloths, caps and T-shirts). Upon receiving the party regalia they were coerced to wear the regalia to demonstrate their support for Zanu PF. Vendors and proprietors in Magunje and Karoi were forced to close business and board buses to attend the rally. Village heads and Zanu PF youths were instructing people to close business and attend the rally. In Mashonaland Central, on 22 July Zanu PF convened a Star rally in Centary, Muzarabani South. It is alleged that many people in Mazowe, Bindura, Guruve and Rushinga were forced to attend the rally by Zanu PF activists and traditional leaders. In Bindura all vendors were forced to close their businesses by a ruling party member who claimed to be the chairperson for Vendors4ED. In Mvurwi, Zanu PF activist Cde Elius Sumaila Mulukula who was assigned by Zanu PF Mazowe North aspiring legislator Tsungi Makombe threatened vendors with arson attacks if they failed to attend the rally. Reports say that deployed members of the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) and police officers were distributing Zanu PF party regalia and food. Zimbabwe United Passenger Company (ZUPCO) and school buses were assigned to ferry people to the rally. Notably, school children were also mobilised to attend the rally. People who made attempts to leave the rally during the President’s address were assaulted by law enforcement agents. In Mazowe North Mvurwi Township, Zanu PF convened a constituency rally on 26 July. The campaign rally was scheduled to be addressed by Zanu PF treasurer Cde Patrick Chinamasa. Business was allegedly brought to halt as proprietors were forced to close their shops by Zanu PF supporters. Most ruling party youths were spotted on videos singing and marching while forcing shop owners and proprietors to close business and attend the rally. ZPP is in possession of the video where proprietors were forced to close their business. Page 9

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