March 2019 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS district election processes. Youths affiliated to the Secretary General Douglas Mwonzora and those sympathetic to the party President Advocate Nelson Chamisa have often clashed resulting in some elections being postponed. For example on 22 March chaotic scenes were reported during the MDC ward elections in ward 19 Chitungwiza North at the late Mayor Alderman Phillimon Chipiyo‘s residence. Verbal altercations were reported between the Chamisa and Mwonzora factions as they failed to reach consensus on the venue to conduct the elections . The ward elections were then postponed following the conflict. On Saturday 30 March 2019 MDC supporters convened at Councillor Magadzire’s homestead in ward 16, Unit J Chitungwiza for a district election process for candidates who would contest at the elective congress. Chitungwiza Provincial MDC Youth Chairperson Jabulani Mthunzi who is also Zengeza East ward 15 Councillor clashed with Zengeza East Legislator, Goodrich Chimbaira on the procedure of the elections. This resulted in violent skirmishes in which Mthunzi was assaulted by party youths affiliated to Chimbaira and was hit by Chimbaira’s vehicle. He was rushed to hospital for treatment.  Fuel queues have resurfaced in many cities and towns as fuel is in short supply. In March petrol prices increased from $3.31 to $3.37 and diesel from $3.11 to $3.19. The shortages have hard hit the commuting public as the subsidised transport arrangement of ZUPCO and other buses is slowly disappearing leaving commuters stranded and vulnerable to abuse by commuter omnibuses and private players that hike fares as it suits them. In Harare fares have hiked by between 50 cents and $1.  Health sector implosion- In March Senior Doctors downed tools citing poor working conditions, lack of drugs and sundries and poor remuneration. In a televised broadcast on ZBC TV, the head of Parirenyatwa paediatrics division Dr Azza Mashumba broke down in tears as she emotionally pleaded for help for the institution. Dr Mashumba said, “We get into theatre, I am ready to receive the baby but I am given a still birth”. She further cited that there was no urgency, no priority and listening ear from the government. The doctor’s tears indicate the depth of the health issue and how it affects women. A dysfunctional health delivery system increases the burden of care on women as they will then have to take up the role of primary health care giving. 5

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