Zimbabwe in Lockdown: COVID-19 & Human Rights from a community perspective 2.1 AID POLITICISATION & POLICY DISCORD In addition to being subjected to harassment, citizens who found themselves socially vulnerable and unable to feed themselves or their families, faced discrimination from getting any form of aid. In Manicaland Province Zanu PF members, seized the opportunity to punish those perceived and known to be opposition supporters through politicisation of government food programmes. These incidences were recorded in Mutare Central and Dangamvura/Chikanga constituencies. During the first week of the lockdown, government announced it would disburse ZWL600 million to a million vulnerable households and the money (about ZWL200 per family) was to be disbursed through the Department of Social Welfare, which was to assess vulnerability and compile a list of deserving families. However, Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube turned around and announced that that he had used a ‘sophisticated algorithm system’ to determine who should benefit from the funds. Mthuli’s algorithms statements effectively trashed statements by Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare deputy minister Lovemore Matuke, who in an interview with a local daily on April 15, said disbursements would be done under his ministry. Matuke claimed that 800 000 beneficiaries who will get support “were identified through the Econet platform”, while only 200 000 were identified by the Ministry of Social Welfare. These discrepancies seemed to confirm the confusion that surrounded the disbursements and cast doubts on whether the money was there in the first place. A small survey by the ZPP confirmed that a couple of individuals had received varied amounts of money.In Matabeleland, some people received ZWL180.00 via Ecocash mobile money platform. Some were not happy at how the ruling party was interfering with the process and in Beitbridge he local MP announced that more Zanu PF supporters were supposed to receive the disbursements. Despite the reports of corruption and discord in the disbursement of the funds, the fact still remains that ZWL180.00, which is equivalent to about US$5.00, is not enough to support a household for even a day. The money is just enough to buy six loves of bread, or a kilogramme of meat Once again, government failed on transparency and accountability. REPORT HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS TO +263 77 488 3406 +263 77 488 3417 ZWL180.00 CAN BUY SIX LOAVES OF BREAD

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