Zimbabwe in Lockdown: COVID-19 & Human Rights from a community perspective VOICES ON COVID19 During the entire month of April, the country was under lockdown, and communities went through uniquely peculiar experiences. ZPP was in constant touch with the communities throughout the month to understand true, lived experiences. This is because it is from such experiences that comes out the reality of the situation, far from the offices. Here is some of the feedback that came from the communities. Here, they express their fears, expectations and experiences. GOD FOR US ALL Mwari ndiye muridzi wevanhu hakusi kungwara kwedu ngatiisei zvese kumusiki vakashaya neCovid 19 havaida; Charles paGokwe Centre. TRANSLATION:Everyone belongs to God. No-one is too clever, so let us leave everything to God and pay tribute to those who died of COVID19 - Charles from Gokwe Centre LET’S BE PATIENT Mugwele gopaladza mizi nebunji banu bedzimu ayibekeleni tigadzane zwibanana kopinda ...ndiba Talent kaByo KuMganwini Island makhelwane wonkulu uwo Mamlilo. TRANSLATION: This disease is killing people, people should be patient and stay in their houses. From Mai Take kuBulawayo pa Island in Emganwini WE’RE HUNGRY Thina indlala sikhona lapha ekhaya sekunzima besiphila ngokuthengisa njengoba sihlala sisezindlini imali ayisekho lamasela ayasihlupha kakhulu. ngu Alice eCowdry Park TRANSLATION: We are now suffering from hunger here. We were surviving on selling wares (vending), but now that we are bound to our homes there is no more money ... Alice from Cowdray Park (Bulawayo) DIFFICULT TIMES Mina nginguna Manu eGwabalanda ,mmmmh ngalumkhuhlane usifake ebunzimeni shuwa mina ngiyathengisa efleamarket ,kodwa sokuyikuwa lokhu ,imali iyaphela siyidla everyday impilo yethu isiguqukile besijayele ukuzisebenzela thina manje sitshona sihlezi and izinto sezidula over. REPORT HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS TO +263 77 488 3406 +263 77 488 3417 TRANSLATION: From Manu in Gwabalanda . This disease has brought great difficulties. I sell goods at a flea market, but that is now being destroyed because we are now spending the money daily. This has changed our lives, we were used to working for ourselves, but now spend the day sitting and goods are now so very expensive. COVID19 NOT A JOKE Imi ndili imi Annacletar Ngwenya ndiliku Mganwini ndobona kungati bugwele gogu akutozana gwawobulaya sibili, kati ngono tikazama tebedzela zwatinobudziwa nebezwibhedlela kan'ompela nahulumente tingakunda. Ngobe kana imi ndobvuma abatoleba beligele koga banozama nezila dzose kuti bangagulapa tjini. Ngono tikadelela topalala. TRANSLATION: My name is Annacleta Ngwenya, am in eMganwini. This disease is not a joke, it kills, but if we follow what health experts and the government tell us it can spare us. They know, they are learned and they research on how this disease can be cured. If we don't listen we will perish GIVE FOOD TO THE PEOPLE Ndinonzi Phillemon Magabaza. Lockdown ikapera vanhu ngatishande, asi tombomira kushanyirana kana kufamba town to town. No buses. No privatecars. Asi chikafu nezvimwe ngazviende kuvanhu. TRANSLATION: My name is Philemon Magabaza. When the lockdown ends, we should work hard but for now let us not visit each other or travel from one town to another. No buses. No private cars. But food must get to the people) IMPROVE TESTING Government should send Medical Practitioners to borders to Test COVID19 on both immigrants & emigrants and those with COVID19 should be denied entry and government should not continue extending the Lockdown further because in Zimbabwe weare living on hand to mouth. Anon PEOPLE ADHERING Charles Natsakulaya kuno kuMbire District ndiripa Chidodo Border, vanhu vakutambira kugarden panzvimbo yekuswera kudoro. TRANSLATION: Charles Natsakulaya from Mbire District at Chidodo Border Post. Here, people are spending time in the garden and not chasing after beer)

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