OCTOBER 2022 Food and Water Security During October, ZPP recorded 4 cases of violation of access to food and water in Mudzi North, Chivi North and Goromonzi South. On 14 October in Chijaka Village 10 in Mudzi North near Nyamuyaruka Business Centre, a Zanu PF-aligned village head Douglas Masamba violated villagers' right to clean portable borehole water by personalising a local community borehole. Musamba removes the borehole handle and replaces it when he wants to fetch water. In Chivi North, on 25 October, in Ward 6, Maramba village, a CCC supporter was denied food aid by Admire Chamisa, the Maramba village Chikusa head. The right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation is a human right that is essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights. It entitles everyone to access sufficient, safe, acceptable, physically accessible, and affordable water for personal and domestic use. In 2015, the United Nations, of which Zimbabwe is a state member, adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, which are a universal call to improve the lives and prospects of everyone everywhere. SDGs 2 and 6 are about all institutions committed to achieving food security and ensuring availability and sustainable management of water, respectively. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 14

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