OCTOBER 2022 7 Provincial Outlook Harare The human rights situation in Harare continued to deteriorate ahead of the 2023 general elections. During the Zanu PF central committee elections, Godwin Mangudya, a journalist, was allegedly assaulted by members of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) and Zanu PF activists in Kuwadzana suburb while covering the process. This was despite Mangudya formally identifying himself and producing his Zimbabwe Media Commission press card. On 14 October suspected Zanu PF youths reportedly attacked CCC President Nelson Chamisa’s motorcade in Chitungwiza North after he visited families of the Nyatsime detained. The unidentified youths reportedly barricaded roads attacking Chamisa’s convoy with stones. A CCC activist sustained serious injuries in the process and was rushed to hospital. Bulawayo In preparation of the Zanu PF Elective Conference, party members in Bulawayo sought to increase the membership of the party. Zanu PF members implemented their campaigns targeting citizens and vendors whilst violating the rights of individuals. In Nkulumane constituency, it was reported that a Zanu PF activist identified as Zenzo Dube went door to door intimidating citizens to either vote for his party or risk being beaten in the forth-coming election. He was registering people in the party cell group book. In a similar incident, on 10 October a Zanu PF activist identified as Kuda Chamboko also went around forcing vendors to buy new party cards or risk losing their stands near Unity Village. Most vendors are reported to have bought new cards fearing that they would have their stands expropriated. The local authority cited that there were difficulties in controlling vendors at undesignated areas who have Zanu PF membership. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 16

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