Pool Table Destroyed During Million Man March (picture taken by ZPP monitor)  In Harare East two vendors (names supplied) operating from Msasa Shopping Centre were forced to attend the One Million Man March. It is reported that in the process of being force marched to the meeting place at Beverley Place they lost their wares including locks and electrical gadgets.  Amid the reports on human rights violations, it was refreshing to receive a report on peace building initiatives in St Marys in Chitungwiza. It is reported that on the 31 May a combined workshop for Zanu PF and MDC- T supporters was held at Macheka square on Rufaro Street. The workshop was on peace building. Similar workshops were conducted through-out all wards of St. Marys and structures were put in place to accommodate all parties. The structures are aimed to work with councillors and Members of Parliament. Participants were encouraged to teach peace in the community while wearing their party regalia. It was reported that in ward 8 the interparty group had a cleanup campaign while dressed in their respective party regalia. Manicaland Intolerance of other political parties has begun to show in the Province with an MDC-T supporter’s homestead razed to the ground in Makoni North. Discrimination in the allocation and listing of those in need of food aid is rampant with those sympathetic to the opposition being denied the food. The Province has also witnessed the militarization of food aid programmes with the army taking a vanguard role in the distribution and allocation of the precious commodity to deserving individuals. In the process of giving out the food aid, the soldiers are reported to be telling villagers to note who is giving them food and as such vote wisely come 2018. Highlights:  In a case of forced labour, harassment and abuse of authority, Headman Jenya Chiororo has since May 1 been forcing people in Dhani Village ward 18 Chipinge East to dig a trench that will stretch for almost 20 kilometers from a nearby farm passing through his homestead. The Headman who is also a Zanu-PF activist is threatening villagers including the elderly with denial to access food aid if they refuse 15

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