Right to personal integrity and human dignity
BannedPolitical Mtg
Right to food, aid and livelihood
Freedom of Assembly
Right to personal integrity and human dignity
Right to personal integrity and human dignity
Property rights
food as their food was locked in. On the 21st of May Simon Makaza went to
court and was given an eviction order with a 30 day notice to make sure the
victims were dispersed.
Violations recorded in the province for the month of May were mostly incidents of
threats of physical violence over political differences and discrimination on political
grounds. There were also reports of invasions of the sugar cane estates by ZANU PF
supporters. The plight of people displaced by Tokwe Mukosi floods who were
resettled at Chingwizi transit camp continued to be worrisome with disease outbreak
and starvation being a major concern.
In Hippo Valley on the 18th of May 2014 two sugar estates (Estate 3 & 5)
were raided by ZANU PF Women’s League led by Mbuya va Gideon, Mai
Kadzi and Mai Hollywood who disrupted the planting of sugar cane. They were
later removed by ZRP Support Unit after a week.
The month of May had a mixed bag of human rights violations and political
violence; banning of Press Freedom Day celebrations by the Zimbabwe Republic
Police; violent clashes between MDC-T youths and Zanu PF youths; heavy assault
perpetrated against the riot police, journalists and leaders of the Apostolic Christian
Council led by Archbishop Ndanga by the Apostolic church Masowe weChishanhu
led by Madzibaba Ishmael Mufani.
3/5/14- The Zimbabwe Republic Police banned the Press Freedom Day
celebrations organized by Media Alliance of Zimbabwe and Zimbabwe
Association of Community Radios despite having a police clearance for the
celebrations. The Minister of Information Jonathan Moyo condemned ZRP’s
04/05/14- A group of about six MDC-T youths wearing their party regalia
going to Domboramwari for MDC-T rally to be addressed by their president
Morgain Tsvangirai were assaulted by Zanu PF youths, and they ran to join
others at a rally who then joined the six youths in fighting back ZANU PF
youths, The ZANU PF youths were then joined by other youths who were in
T35 truck to fight the MDC-T youths. This led to youths fighting with stones
resulting in four houses being destroyed. One of the MDC-T youths managed
to run to the police who were nearby and reported the case, when the police
arrived most of the ZANU PF youths had run away. The police managed to