ACTS OF VIOLATIONS HR MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF HR VIOLATIONS Right to liberty and security of person Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 6 17 3 26 The province witnessed cases of arson, abduction of children, intra party conflicts and general political intolerance.  3/5/14 - Two cases of arson where reported in Nyanga South at Mukwekwe village. Unknown arsonists set on fire a thatched kitchen belonging to a ZANU PF activist. On the day of the incident, the ZANU PF activist is reported to have denied a number of MDC T members access to potato fertilizer that was being given to potato farmers under the GMB programme. The activist is reported to have taken more than five 50kg bags of fertilizer which were meant for others and stored it in her kitchen. During the night, the kitchen was set alight and the ZANU PF activist suspects that it could be the disgruntled MDC members. On the 23rd of May, in the same village, suspected ZANU PF activists torched a thatched house for an MDCT supporter. Victim is reported to have scolded ZANU PF activists who were having their meeting in the village during the day. During the night victim suspects that the ZANU PF activists then torched his hut as punishment.  On 24 May 2014, three girls aged 16, 14, and 13 years of age were reportedly abducted by one Amon Jekiseni a Zanu PF youth, at Machongwe –Nyahode (Ward 13). Amon runs a tuck-shop at the business centre. The father of the girls is blind. The community searched for the girls and were found a day latter locked in Amon’s house. One of the girls is said to have been sexually abused by the perpetrator during the abduction. The parents of the victims reported the case to police and a request for medical examination was made at Mutambara hospital. The girls were left in the custody of the police on the 24th of May 2014. However, on 25 May the police phoned the parents advising them that they had released the three girls. The girls did not reach home, that was the last the parents heard or saw the girls. The police were refusing to investigate the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of the girls reportedly threatening to arrest the parents themselves. The girls were still missing by time of compiling this report. Manicaland Assault Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Total HR/FREEDOMS VIOLATED # OF ACTS PROVINCE INCIDENCES OF POLITICALLY MOTIVATED VIOLATIONS 5

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