This report is based on reports from ZPP long-term community based human rights monitors who
observe, monitor and record cases of human rights violations in the constituencies they reside. ZPP
deploys a total of 420 community-based primary peace monitors (two per each of the 210 electoral
constituencies of Zimbabwe). These community-based monitors reside in the constituencies they monitor.
They compile reports that are handed over to ZPP provincial coordinators who man the different ZPP
offices in the ten administrative provinces of Zimbabwe. Upon receipt and verifications of the reports
from the monitors, the provincial coordinators compile provincial monthly monitoring reports, which are
then consolidated at national office into the ZPP monthly monitoring reports published in retrospect.
The country is experiencing a general calm atmosphere with a few incidents of political and civil
human rights violations being reported. Cases of harassment, intimidation, assaults, displacement and
discrimination are commonly reported and are indicative of the political intolerance that characterizes
the Zimbabwean politics. In the month of May, there was an increase in the prevalence cases of
harassment; 157 compared to 139 cases reported in the previous month. These figures reflect the
increase in the total number violations recorded in the same month; 204 compared to 181 reported in
the month of April.
Reports of food violations have significantly gone
down. Only three provinces reported isolated
cases of denied food relief based on one’s
political affiliation. The low records on food
violations could be attributed to the good harvest
recorded throughout the country. Very few areas
are in dire need of food assistance; drought prone
areas such as Chivi, Mwenezi and Chiredzi and
areas affected by the floods are areas in need of
food aid.
ZANU PF supporters and office bearers continue to record high numbers of perpetrators. In the month
of May ZPP recorded 261 ZANU PF perpetrators compared to 31 MDCT perpetrators and of these
perpetrators 278 are men and 18 are women. These statistics reflect the stereotypical perception that
men are aggressive and violent. Men still recorded high as victims compared to women. In the month
of May ZPP recorded 248 male victims compared to 67 female victims giving an impression that
politics is a male domain.
There are isolated cases of displacement of people in Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland East and
Midlands. The Mashonaland Central case is based on non-payment for the labour services by the new
farmer and the withdrawal of labour by the workers. Others cases are based on political intolerance.
The incidents of food violations continue to decrease and this could be attributed to good harvest
recorded throughout the country. However there are some drought prone areas where there is still dire
need of food.
In Masvingo province the situation remains critical in Chivi, Mwenezi and Chiredzi, particularly the
area affected by floods. Other areas are a bit better as people managed to harvest after the rains. In
Chingwizi transit camp, food rations continue to drop; currently families are receiving 10kg mealiemeal, 1 kg nyemba (cow peas) and 1 bottle of cooking oil per month regardless of the size of the
family. This has caused women to set up fruit and vegetable stalls for sale in unhygienic environment.
Politicians no longer consider the situation in Chingwizi as a crisis and yet mere observation tells a
story of imminent disaster.