However, while in a number of areas, membership of Zanu-PF seems to dominate with the ruling party generally repressive of others, it is interesting to note how March reports show pockets of resistance from various quarters. For instance in Mashonaland East, some chiefs protested against the repressive instructions and orders. This was also seen in at least two other instances where resistance to Zanu-PF supremacy seems to be repeating itself in various corners. All in all disregard for people’s Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of Expression as enshrined in the Constitution continued to be the order of the day for March as in previous months. As Independence Day approached ZPP noted with concern a number of human rights violations which had occurred in the 36 years since the country transitioned to majority rule. Even though most of the rights against which violations were noted are enshrined in the Constitution, violations continue unabated. The struggle for Constitutionalism is real and continues to be elusive. ### 7

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