allegedly misusing funds and also having links with the MDC-T. This happened at Umvhovho Shopping Centre in Chegutu West. Banda wanted to beat up Tsindi but was overpowered by Tsindi’s friends.  On 20 March 2016, Henry Zungu (not real name), aged 40, allegedly drowned while fishing from Lake Chivero, Norton. When his body was found, his aunt who stays in Knowe in Norton refused to have the funeral at her house claiming that it would jeopardise her husband’s standing as he worked in government and her nephew was a member of the MDC-T. The funeral was held at Katanga Shopping Centre by MDCT supporters who organized everything for the burial. He was then buried on 24 March 2016. It is therefore evident from this case that the deceased had his rights to human dignity, freedom of assebly and association and freedom of conscience violated for belonging to the MDC-T. It is unheard of for the funeral wake of a deceased to be held at a shopping centre.  On 20 March 2016, at Kawondera Primary School in Ward 2 of Zvimba West constituency a marathon of meetings was held to try and repair the broken roof which was failing to withstand the heavy rains. Village heads, councillors, war veterans and other Zanu-PF community leaders in and around Murombedzi were called to a meeting. The meeting was diverted to discussing means and ways of trying to stop the entry of opposition parties in the Zvimba district. They ended up agreeing on revisiting the grain allocation criteria to giving a 50kg bag to each household rather than sharing it between two households. It is suspected this was meant as an incentive for the villagers not to turn their backs on Zanu-PF.  On 25 March 2016, Nelly Zonde (not real name) of MDC-T, who lives in Chegutu West, was accused of causing confusion within the party after she was seen talking to people from ZimPF. Obert Phiri of the same party, who lives in Gondo Street in Kadoma slapped the victim and threatened her with disappearance if she did not leave the party.  On 28 March 2016, Zanu-PF Politburo member, lgnatius Chombo, is said to have allegedly declared that there would be no other candidate to contest the Hurungwe West constituency and that only incumbent MP, Keith Guzha, was going to stand for Zanu-PF in the 2018 elections. Chombo said "Hakuna maprimary election achaitwa kuno tichangomhanya nebhiza riripo vaGuzah. VekwaTemba vakada kudzoka vanozokwikwidza zvigaro muna 2019 nokuti ndizvo zvakabva kumusoro." This was said at a Hurungwe West victory celebration at Kasipiriki Business Centre. Efforts to reach Chombo were unsuccessful.  On 30 March 2016, members of the Zimbabwe National Army from the Wafawafa Training Centre in Chirara, Kariba intimidated people in public places such as beerhalls and streets. On the said date they assaulted people in Nyamhunga 2 in Gadzi Road. One of the people who fell victim to the assaults was Henry Musore (not real name). Musore is a young man who already had an existing eye disorder. He had cataract in one eye and so relied on a single eye to see. He resides in Nyamhunga 2 and was brutally assaulted by soldiers who were moving in a white army truck. It is 20

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