ACTS OF VIOLATIONS HR MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF HR VIOLATIONS Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to liberty and security of person Property rights Property rights 8 5 4 3 1 Property rights 1 22 Intra-party fighting within Zanu PF continued unabated in the province. The major driver to the provincial intra-party fighting was the appointment of Honourable Mandi Chimene to the position of Resident Minister and Honourable Oppah Muchinguri to the position of Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology Development which used to be held by Dr. Olivia Muchena who was ousted because of her allegiance to former Vice President Mujuru. At a community meeting addressed by Minister Oppah Muchinguri and Honourable Kudzai Chipanga in Headlands on the 22nd of December 2014 a report was presented by Mr Sendekera Musendo which implicated Mr Didymus Mutasa, a former Minister responsible for Presidential Affairs as a multiple farm owner. The report states that Mutasa had sixteen farms in Manicaland some of which he had been leasing to white farmers and pocketing the profits at the expense of Zimbabwean citizens. In a separate incident, the Resident Minister Mandi Chimene threatened to install a parallel shadow local governance structure to compete with that of the MDC-T. The drive to flush out the Mujuru sympathisers has cascaded to party level structures such as the branch and the cell structures. The violations perpetrated by those fuelling the intra-party conflicts include harassment, assaults and discrimination.  10 December 2014- Four members of the Zanu PF party perceived to belong to the Mujuru faction were denied access to seed and fertilizer from the Presidential Input Scheme by Honourable Patrick Chinamasa and Kudzai Chipanga because of their allegiance to Mr. Didymus Mutasa and for VP Mujuru.  14 December 2014- The Timus farm in Makoni Central which belongs Mr Fungai Makoni was invaded by war veterans accusing the victim of having acquired it using Didymus Mutasa’s influence. The victim is believed to be Mutasa’s relative. The invaders included villagers from Chitora and Chombe.  28 December 2014- A Zanu PF member perceived to belong to the Mujuru faction was assaulted by a Mr Mutangira of House Number 6832 Zimra Park in Mutare on allegations of being a Mutasa ally. The two met at Chikanga Shopping centre and the perpetrator began to accuse the victim of being a sell out by befriending Mutasa who had been accused of plotting to kill the President. The two exchanged DispManicaland Discrimination Harassment/intimidation Assault Theft/looting Malicious Damage to Property Displacement Total HR/FREEDOMS VIOLATED # OF ACTS PROVINCE INCIDENCES OF POLITICALLY MOTIVATED VIOLATIONS 7

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