the distribution of inputs from the Presidential Input Scheme. In most cases the Mujuru faction within Zanu PF and MDC-T supporters are discriminated against. In Guruve South ward 12 village head Karemba denied a certain MDC-T supporter a seed pack because of his affiliation to MDC-T. In ward 10 village head Kudakwashe Rwodzi denied another MDC-T supporter fertilizer because of his affiliation to MDC-T. In another case an MDC-T supporter of ward 11 was denied seed by the village secretary Katanda. The victim reported the case to the councillor but the councillor refused to intervene. There were reports of food discrimination in Rushinga and Mt Darwin East. Zanu PF party leaders in Ruvambo area ward 17 in Rushinga took over the distribution of inputs from the Grain Marketing Board officials on 26 December 2014. In one incident which has become a common phenomenon, the name of an MDC-T leader was cancelled from the distribution list and when he complained his name was moved to the end of the list. Names of known or suspected opposition activists are moved to the end of distribution lists and in most if not in all cases these people end up not getting food aid. It is a fact that inputs are never enough hence those at the bottom of the list will not receive the inputs. In Mt Darwin East, two MDC-T supporters of Jongwe village were denied seed and fertilizer at Bvere business centre on 5 December 2014. On 6 December 2014 village head Kauya and Zanu PF chairperson of ward 17 in Glendale denied other supporters of the opposition party seed and fertilizer. Zanu PF supporters in Mbire at Madyavanhu village ensured that the distribution of seed and fertilizer was done in secrecy on 31 December 2014. The news of distribution was only shared with party supporters. MDC-T party members and those not aligned to any party did not get any inputs as they were not aware that inputs were being distributed. Mashonaland East There were a few cases of harassment and discrimination during the distribution of farming inputs in December 2014. There was fair distribution of inputs in the following areas: Hwedza South, Maramba Pfungwe and in Murehwa West. Cases of discrimination occurred at Rapid Farm in Marondera West where Edison Sithole and other four Zanu PF youths wanted to prevent two other Zanu PF members perceived to belong to the Mujuru faction from accessing inputs. There was a heated exchange of words between Zanu PF party members and the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) staff who refused to take instructions from Zanu PF youth. The GMB staff argued that they had been instructed to give inputs to all villagers without discrimination but the Zanu PF youths wanted to discriminate against people they perceived to belong to the wrong political divide. Reported Food Violations - December 2014 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 29 11 0 0 4 5 8 2 0 0 Figure 2: Reported Food Violations Mashonaland West While some areas have recorded a fair distribution of inputs a number of areas had people who were denied inputs on party lines. Zvimba West, Mubaira and parts of Chegutu East are areas said to have experienced peaceful and fair distribution of inputs. However, most areas recorded discrimination 4

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