Masvingo Right to personal integrity and human dignity 6 Discrimination Theft/looting Assault Total Right to food, aid and livelihood Property rights Right to liberty and security of person 4 1 1 12 Harassment/Intimidation Assault Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to liberty and security of person 2 1 3 Harare Harassment/Intimidation the inputs. It is reported that the councilor made a deal with the Zanu PF chairperson Collen Matambo who sold some of the bags of fertilizer at $20 each and allegedly the shared the cash with the councilor. There were reports of general calmness in the province after the dismissal of some senior Zanu PF party officials such as former Minister of Energy Dzikamai Mavhaire, former provincial chairperson Gwanetsa Killian and former Deputy Minister of Labour, Public Service and Social Welfare Tongai Muzenda. The victims have since taken a low profile as the events unfolded. The MDC-T party had its share of factionalism problem since the appointment of the new structure at its congress. end of October. The party structure was divided into three camps;the Douglous Mwonzora, Nelson Chamisa and Morgan Tsvangirai camps. In Masvingo, Peter Imbayarwo councillor for ward 19 Zaka Central leads the Tsvangirai faction and has often snubbed meetings organized by either Mwonzora or Chamisa. The MDC Renewal has some presence in Masvingo through such figures as Harrison Mudzuri former MP for Zaka Central and Ernest Mudavanhu former MP for Zaka North who defected to MDC Renewal. 23 December 2014-The MP for Zaka Central Paradza Chakona disrupted a residents meeting at Zaka Council Offices after learning that the residents wanted to form a Residents Development Association. It is said that the MP just got at the venue of the meeting and accused all present of harbouring and promoting an MDC agenda through the establishment of the association. The major highlight in the province was the Zanu PF Congress which took place during the first of December. A series of events towards the Congress set the tone. Events such the ousting of some senior party members accused of factionalism in the party, accusations of corruption and treason labelled against the former Vice President Joice Mujuru and the vote of no confidence raised against the provincial party chairpersons alleged to be in the Mujuru camp are just a few examples. Throughout the congress there was a heightened tempo of hate speech towards former Vice-President Mujuru and her allies. The Zanu PF youth threatened to bar the former Vice President from attending the congress. However the former Vice President and some of the senior party officials perceived to be in her camp did not attend the congress and these include Didymus Mutasa and Nicholas Goche. The appointment of the new Vice Presidents Honourable Emmerson Mnangagwa and Ambassador Phelekezela Mphoko, the re-shuffling of cabinet and the appointment of new the Deputy Ministers brewed mixed reactions within the party and from the public.  December 2014- The Chitungwiza Residents Trust organised a peaceful demonstration against the Chitungwiza Municipality Management at Zengeza 2 shops. The grievances that led to the demonstration include non-payment of 11

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