discrimination two MDC-T supporters were denied seed from the Presidential Input Scheme distributed at Karuru Township in Hurungwe North in Mashonaland West province on 4 December 2014. The victims were removed from the queue by Nicholas Ngadowo of Zanu PF on allegations that they were active MDC-T supporters during the 2013 elections. Although most provinces recorded incidents of discrimination in the distribution of inputs, reports from Mashonland West indicated that some areas experienced fair and peaceful distribution. Zvimba West, Mubaira and parts of Chegutu East experienced peaceful and fair distribution of inputs. In a strategy to flush out all the Mujuru allies in Manicaland province on 14 December 2014 Timus farm in Makoni Central which belongs to Mr Fungai Makoni was invaded by war veterans accusing the victim of having acquired it using former Presidential Affairs Minister Didymus Mutasa’s influence. The victim is believed to be Mutasa’s relative. The invaders included villagers from Chitora and Chombe. There were few cases of inter-party conflicts recorded as Zanu PF intra-party fights took the political centre stage. As figure 1 below shows, there was no reported intra-party conflicts within the MDC-T, all the intra-party violations were recorded within Zanu PF. 100% 100% 66% 60% 40% 39% 33% 17% ZANU PF MDC-T ZANU PF MDC-T 0% 0% 0% ZANU PF 0% MDC-T 0% MDC-T MDC-T 0% ZANU PF MDC-T 0% ZANU PF MDC-T 0% ZANU PF MDC-T 0% ZANU PF 0% MDC-T 0% ZANU PF 0% MDC-T 20% 33% 25% ZANU PF 27% 40% ZANU PF 80% BULAWAYO HARARE MANICALAND MASH CENTRAL MASH EASTMASH WESTMASVINGOMAT NORTHMAT SOUTHMIDLANDS Figure 1: December Intra-party Violations – Percentage of Reported Cases In the month of December 170 violations were recorded and these emanated from intra and inter party fights and topping the list were harassment and discrimination cases. These violations were rampant during the distribution of farm inputs such as fertilizer and seed especially from the Presidential Input Scheme. Mashonaland Central, Mashonaland West and Manicaland provinces recorded cases of threats of displacement. The main perpetrators of various violations are male; out of 260 recorded perpetrators, 229 are male while 27 are female. By virtue of the nature of conflicts, there was a marked increase of Zanu PF party activists who were victims of violations; 88 cases involving Zanu PF victims were recorded in the month of December 2014 compared to 35 cases recorded in December 2013. The perpetrators of violence against the noted Zanu PF activists were also Zanu PF activists. This presents a new dimension to political violence in Zimbabwe. Zanu PF party members still remain the main perpetrators of violence with a record 225 perpetrators compared to 11 from MDC-T party. The number of victims of political violence remain high among males (207) compared to females (93) and this could be attributed to the fact that men constitute the majority of political actors. The majority of the victims (69%) have dependents that may have been affected by the violence perpetrated on their parents. FOOD AND OTHER FORMS OF AID VIOLATIONS Mashonaland Central Province A disturbing trend noted during the period under review was that the distribution of food and farming inputs has been reported to be based on political affiliation. This behavioural pattern has been noted in 3

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