Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Displacement Unlawful Detention Theft/looting 10 4 2 1 1 18 Mash West Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Property rights Right to liberty and security of person Property rights situation was only brought under control after two hours. Three people were injured and were taken to Ruwa Rehabilitation hospital where they were treated and discharged. The perpetrators were alleged to have been Moreblessings Ngando, Tongai Mapiye and Gift Milos and they were taken to the police station for questioning.  8 December 2014- A Zanu PF supporter was assaulted by a group of other Zanu PF supporters led by Gurupira as punishment for associating with Ray Kaukonde the former Zanu PF provincial chairperson. This occurred in Chimanga village in Mudzi West. After the October and November wave of intra-party conflict characterised by accusations, suspensions and dismissal of Zanu PF members perceived to be in Mujuru’s faction, the month of December was reported to be relatively calm in most areas. Party members who attended the Zanu PF people’s congress did not give feedback to other party members as they would normally do. The expulsion of senior leaders in the province could have created an atmosphere of fear and despondence hence the behaviour change. The areas that enjoyed relative calmness include Zvimba West, Mhondoro Mubaira and Hurungwe Central. However reports of discrimination against certain individuals based on party affiliation were recorded during the distribution of food and farming inputs.  5 December 2014- The Rogate Primary School head and a teacher were summoned to a Zanu PF meeting where the two were accused of being MDC-T members. A well known Zanu PF member Mapasure accused the school head of allowing an MDC-T teacher to be part of the school staff. The meeting was held at Rogate School in Chegutu and was chaired by a war veteran popularly known as Comrade Chidhakwa.  11 December 2014- The Zanu PF provincial youth chairperson Vengai Musengi descended on Thame Mine in Chakari at the invitation of Councillor Admire Runanga who was being pressured by the local youth to get the mine for them. Musengi was accompanied by the provincial members and CIO operatives from Kadoma. He instructed the mine owner to vacate the mine and accused him of being a white man’s front. Musengi declared that the youth had instructions from the President to take any property under white people and that was why he was instructing the youth from Kadoma to take over.  31 December 2014-In Magunje Councilor Nickson Magaramombe is reported to have received two trunks of seed and fertilizer which he distributed to Zanu PF supporters only at the Maumbe Business Centre. The Zanu PF supporters were the ones who got the information about the inputs and they clandestinely shared 10

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