ring leader, Simon Makaza in the company of 4 police officers from Ruwa Police Station. Harassment/intimidation Assault Displacement 22 1 1 24 Mash West Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to liberty and security of person Property rights 7 The major sources of conflict in Mashonaland West in the month of April 2014 included political intolerance between the two main parties Zanu PF and MDC-T. In particular Zanu PF will not tolerate the inclusion of MDC-T activists in national events or programmes such as food distribution. Harassment and intimidation were in the form of forced contributions towards the Independence day celebrations. Of note in the month of April were the intra-party conflicts in the MDC-T party. The call for leadership renewal in MDC-T has led to factions causing intraparty friction and confusion among party supporters.  14/4/14- In Chegutu East Councillor Gibson Mungati and Mr Dzotsa of village 6 ward 20 were forcing people to pay $2 or a tin of maize for the Independence Day celebrations even if the person would not be able to attend. Shephard Bangani a war veteran residing in Chegutu East Malwern village ward 20 is said to have forced people to pay $2 for celebrations against their will.  18/4/14 Shop owners around Wicklow area in Chegutu East were forced to close their shops to go and listen to the presidential speech read by the Wicklow secondary school head. A war veteran called Chirisa instructed one known as Comrade Bwana to make sure shop owners closed their shops.  3/4/14- A well known MDC-T activist of Kambainemoyo village in Hurungwe West was instructed to vacate his homestead by Boniface Kambainemoyo (chief Nyamhunga).The case was referred to Hurungwe Rural District Chief Executive Officer Japhet Moyo and ward 17 councillor Tichaona Matthew Runi who summoned the victim to the CEO Magunje office. The two quizzed the victim more about his affiliation to MDC-T party. The two officials told him to move away from his homestead within 40 days and failure to move would leave the council no choice but to destroy the homestead. His home includes a four roomed house and some huts. The victim had been living in this place since 2004 and what irks this victim is that there are other supporters of Zanu PF who have built on the roadside but were not affected.  15/4/14- In Mhangura, Two Tree lost his piece of land that he legally got in 2008 to Simon Makwikwi a council worker. He was evicted and allocated a new place. Makwikwi took over the plot which used to belong to a white commercial farmer before land invasions

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